Thursday 11 January 2018

ROUND WORLD (Song by John Fellings)

You have got nice round body, so hot
You walk round showing your nice pants
You all always so sexy, so hot
Guys are crazy abour you
So sexy, so sexy, you are

We will looking you at you
We will looking you at you
We will looking you at you

Now you are walking with your babies
Stll looking so hot, tights pants still on
Sexy mother, super round body
You are still so hot
So sexy, sexy, you are

We will looking you at you
We will looking you at you
We will looking you at you

Its is going to be days
When you are walking whit your baby
Guys are looking at your baby, so hot
You are like shadow, so sad
Your baby got now all glory

We will looking you at you
We will looking you at you
We will looking you at you
FEELINGS (Song by John Feelings)

I can see you are coming to me
I can touch you
What a wonderful moment
Your feelings are coming up
All for me
I hold you closer, you touch me with your feelings
My breath goes up
What a wonderful feelings, oh god

You show me your feelings
I can only say, your feelings are greater than ever
I show you my love, just for you
Our feelings and love are together so strong
Now this is happening, this moment is true
I can taste your feelings, my body is shaking
What a wonderful feelings, oh god

When you are gone, memories are still here
My love felt your feelings so good
I can hardly believe what your feelings just did
My body and soul are ready for yout feelings
Next time, I hope, is coming soon
I keep your feelings on my own
My love is home of your feelings
What a wonderful feelings, oh god
Feelings all mine
LOST IN LIFE (Song by John Feelings)

Left or right
The way to my life I do not know
Everything is balck
I am one in the universe
Have I made a trip in vain
Forget about paradise

I`m trying to get help from the top
No one is listening
Is anybody there
Fog is just growing around me
Have I made a trip in vain
Forget about paradise

I fall into my own feelings
Deeper, deeper, is my journey
Can anyone help, god, no answer
I`ve done my solution
Have I made a trip in vain
Forget about paradise

Now, while I`m gone
The world will continue its journey
I`m just somewhere else
The way to my life I do not know
But I do not need to know anymore
I have got the silence, I`m happy
Silence forever, Silence forever

MOVE ON (Song by John Feelings)

I love you, I said
Fuck you, you said
All this is true now, so true
There was better days, I can just dreaming
Me and you together, now all is drifting away
I can only close my eyes, memories, all memories
Now these all are gone, future is so black
Is there any way back, we are so beep, so beep
Finding solution so desperately
Pumping around like rapid, cracy rapid
I am losing my mind, losing my selfcontrol
I am a half man now, no soul and mind
There got to be way through these memories
I am creaming, so loud, missing you
Move on, move on, like an order, pumping in my mind
I got to get me on feet, back on track
Step by step, moving on, sun is still rising
This is not end, everything goes on, have to move on
Step by step I got my life back
New love is behind a cornel, have to be open eyes
Move on, move on, you are still a man, stronger man
You are great again, move on, move on…….

Lyrics by John Feelings I was just walking down the street just walking down the street juts walking down the street nothing to loose, nothi...